Private Yoga Session with
Dr. Todd Gibson

Dr. Gibson’s Yoga Bio:

I have been practicing yoga for many decades, and first started teaching yoga over 20 years ago. In addition to my Chiropractic Education, which includes over 500 hours of anatomy, I earned a Master of Science degree at Life University, where I studied Exercise Science and Sport Health Science. I have taught Georgia State University, Life University, The Hindu Temple of Atlanta, and various yoga studios. During my 18 years of licensed clinical practice I have included yoga posture instructions for most patients to improve their healing and wellness. Those patients who practice yoga regularly respond better to Chiropractic Care.   

Dr. Gibson leading a yoga class during a meditation retreat.

A private yoga session offers many advantages and benefits:

Personalized Attention: In a private session the instructor can focus entirely on the individual’s specific goals, needs and abilities. This level of personal attention allows for customized modifications and adjustments that can address physical limitations, injuries or unique preferences.

Safety and Alignment: The instructor can closely monitor the practitioner’s alignment and technique, reducing the risk of injury and ensuring that poses are performed correctly. This attention to detail promotes a safe and effective practice.

Progress and Growth: Private sessions can accelerate progress in yoga practice. The instructor can design a practice plan that targets specific areas for improvement, such as flexibility, strength, balance or mindfulness, leading to faster and more noticeable results.

Mindfulness and Relaxation: Private sessions often incorporate meditation and relaxation techniques, promoting a deeper sense of inner peace and mindfulness. This can be especially beneficial for stress reduction and mental well-being.

Customized Practice: Private sessions can be tailored to suit an individual’s preferences, whether they prefer a more gentle and restorative practice or a challenging and dynamic one. The practitioner has the flexibility to choose the style of yoga that resonates with them.

Confidence Building: Private sessions provide a supportive environment for individuals who may feel self-conscious or anxious in a group setting. This can help build confidence and create a strong foundation for a lifelong yoga practice.

Scheduling Flexibility: Private sessions can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for the individual, making it easier to incorporate yoga into a busy lifestyle.

Therapeutic Benefits: Private yoga sessions can be especially beneficial for those dealing with specific health issues, such as chronic pain, anxiety or recovery from injuries. The instructor can design a practice that addresses these concerns.

Accountability and Motivation: Knowing that a private session is scheduled can provide added motivation to commit to a regular yoga practice, helping individuals stay on track with their wellness goals.