foot, ankle, plantar fascia

30 minutes ($69) – Both feet are treated. Full body chiropractic adjustment is included. I will of course adjust both feet and both ankles manually.

G5 GK3 percussion massage is performed to the bottoms of your feet several times during the session, with various applicators. The reflexology points are stimulated, and foot function is restored. The plantar fascia is mobilized, improving and preventing plantar fasciitis & other foot problems. The foot is the first contact with the ground and transfers forces upwards through the legs and into the spine and hips. Alignment problems and other foot / ankle problems can commonly affect these other areas and contribute to low back or knee or hip pain. Such deep mobilization of the tissues of the foot and ankle helps maintain your overall health. Reflex points, which relate to all parts of the body, can be found in the feet, These points respond to pressure, stimulating the body’s own natural healing process Oh yes, it also feels simply wonderful.

More Benefits – Reduces the cottage cheese appearance of cellulite. Stimulates immune function due to close association between lymphatic system and immune system. Slows aging by stimulating the body’s detoxification process. Reduces joint inflammation. Reduces pain of inflammation. Helps water balance, reduces “water weight”